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How To Obtain DVD Format/Logo License (2020-2024)
The DVD Format/Logo License is essential to manufacture DVD Products using the DVD Formats and the DVD Logo. To apply for our DVD Format/Logo License, please fill in and return both NDA/Book Application Form and License Application Form to us by e-mail.
You need to complete the following procedures for the DVD Format/Logo License.
1) NDA/Book process
a. Sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)
b. Purchase DVD Format Books
2) Licensing process
3) Verification at a Class A Verification Laboratory
1. NDA/Book process
Before you can start the Licensing process, you need to purchase the corresponding DVD Format Books of your DVD Products. NDA must be executed for the purchase of DVD Format Books. For the information on how to enter into NDA, please go to For Non-Book Subscribers page.
NDA/Book charge will be:
JPY550,000 (NDA + First Book) + JPY55,000 (Additional Book)
x n*1 + JPY2,200(Handling Charge)
*1 "n" represents the number of the required DVD Format Books
If you are planning to manufacture DVD-Video Player, you need to buy:
DVD-Video Book
The invoice for NDA/Book fee will be:
JPY550,000 + JPY55,000 + JPY2,200 = JPY607,200
NDA/Book process will take about one month.
2. Licensing Process
After you complete NDA/Book process, you may begin the Licensing process. Please fill in and return License Application Form to us by e-mail. Our Licensing staff will instruct you how to proceed accordingly.
Please refer to APPENDIX 1 of the License Application Form to determine which license is required. As the License fee is JPY1,100,000 per Format/Product Category, the invoiced amount for the License will be as follows:
JPY1,100,000 x n*2 - JPY550,000(Deduction*3 ) + JPY2,200(Bank charge)
*2 "n" represents the number of the required license(s)
*3 JPY550,000 paid for NDA (including one copy of DVD Format Book) is deducted once for first time License applicant.
If you are planning to manufacture DVD-Video Player, you need to obtain the License for:
DVD-ROM (Product Category II(1))
DVD-Video (Product Category II(1))
The invoiced amount for the License will be:
JPY1,100,000 x 2 - JPY550,000 + JPY2,200 = JPY1,652,200
Licensing process will take about one month.
3. Verification
Verification is a procedure to test whether the DVD Product is compliant with the DVD Specifications. It is mandatory for Licensees that wish to use the DVD Logo on their DVD Products. For details, please refer to Verification. The processing time for Verification depends on individual cases. You may wish to contact a Class A Verification Laboratory directly.
Please also refer to the F.A.Q. page.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
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